Unsubscribed (Email)

Some recipients may not be interested in receiving emails. In this case, they have the option to unsubscribe from all future emails and will not receive them moving forward. All recipients who have unsubscribed will show up in the Unsubscribed (Email) report.

Opted Out

Some recipients may choose to opt out of text messages. They can do so by replying "stop" to a received message. They will receive an auto-reply letting them know that they will no longer receive messages from FastAccess. In order to receive messages again, all they would need to do is reply back with "start". This report will show the users, their phone number, and the date on which they opted out. 

Replied By Text

After a message has been delivered to recipients, some of them may attempt to reply directly to the messages. Because the reply-to number is not an active one, recipients will receive an automatic reply stating "You have received this message as an intended recipient from FastAccess. For assistance, please email [email protected]". The "Replied By Text" report shows a log of all replies sent via text. Note: No actions can be taken from this page, it is a view only page.