A very common issue we see in FastScout is players not showing in your FastScout report, instead seeing the error MISSING: player.tableINFO as seen below:

This issue occurs when you add a special character, punctuation, or a number to the players name when typing in the 'Add Player' field as seen below. In my example below, I typed in "#75 Braden Jones". I should instead just type in "Braden Jones" and then add in the number under the player's personal information.

To resolve this issue, re-add the players using only letters, using no special characters or numbers. Uncheck any players you added with numbers or special characters in their name.

Adding Players in the Stats Database

If you are utilizing the Stats Database to add your roster information, this can also occur if you have added punctuation to the name, such as a period. If you have entered your player information this way:

Your report will look like this:

Because the name "JT Wilson" was entered without punctuation, it appears correctly in the Personnel topic, whereas "J.R. Smith" does not appear due to the periods in the name. To correct this problem, return to the Stats Database and add a new player named "JR Smith" with no punctuation.

Now click the row for J.R. Smith to highlight it, and then right-click on the row. In the menu, select Merge Player into, then select JR Smith with no punctuation.

The result is just one JR Smith without punctuations in the roster.

To finalize your changes, right-click on the Personnel header and select Restore Defaults. The changes will now be reflected in your report.